The Hilarious Improv Game Show Where the Goal Is to NOT Lose It


BREAK! is an improv game show that flips the script on traditional comedy.

Each week, a trio of improvisers — Eliza McPhail, Jimmy Cox, and Cass Lynch— battle it out to see who can hold it together the longest. Their mission? To avoid breaking character at all costs during a wild, unpredictable improv show.

But here’s the twist: A special guest will derail them at every turn with devious prompts designed to make them lose it!

Who will stay in character? Who will crack? And who will be crowned the ultimate improv champion? Tune in to find out... but don’t expect them to stay serious for long.

Hosted by the outrageously talented Ash Collins,





Grab BREAK! tickets now!

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Our community watering hole

Enjoy some good times downstairs at Theory Bar

Fancy a beverage after your next show or class session? Our ground floor bar is open Wednesday–Sunday.

Community members and ticket-holders get 10% off*

(* Sundays and Public Holidays excepted)

Please note: drinks can not be transferred between venues in the building

Theory Bar