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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Five Questions With Damien Vosk

The Improv Conspiracy Theatre

This is a post in our "Five Questions" series of interviews with Improv Conspiracy members.  During the 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival we'll be posting a new interview on every day that we have a show. You can find out more about our show "Our Friend Harold" and buy tickets by clicking here!

What was the first improv show you saw that made you think "wow, I'd like to do that!"?

The first improv show I ever saw was when I went on exchange to New York and the university had one hell of a bad ass improv team. It was their humor, finesse and generally good vibes that inspired me to hang out with them and try to learn how to do what they did.

What aspects of the Harold do you find the most rewarding? The most challenging?

One of the aspects of the harold that I find most rewarding is taking an idea from an opening or first beat and coming up with exciting ways to take a concept and mould it into an interesting scene. Then take that same concept and take it somewhere entirely different!  Another would be the way in which there are no mistakes in the 'Harold' per se. In fact mistakes / brain farts can take a scene in an entirely new direction and even become the scene. 

What would you like your team to be capable of by the end of Comedy Festival? A year from now?

At the comedy festival I'd like 'The Wrong Shoulder' to be able to continue to have really strong exciting characters in their Harolds and get rave reviews. 

A year from now I'd like 'The Wrong Shoulder' to wow the pants off our audience members with our sheer wit and brilliance and then have a pants party with said pants. Most of all I would like us to still be having as much fun as we are now. 

Which Conspiracy members do you have improv crushes on, and why? What do they do that inspires you?

Wyatt Nixon-Lloyd - Wyatt has boundless energy, is always so happy and as a result is consistently a joy to watch on stage. I wish I could be as happy one day....

Charlie Sturgeon - Charlie's has an insane ability to know what scenes need and seamlessly tilt and change things so they work.

Daniel Pavatich - Daniel and I started improvising at the same time and it has been crazy to see his dedication grow and grow along with his character and scene work. Basically he is pretty inspirational. 

Tim Quabba - Tim has a great ability to turn moments of panic into brilliantly physical characters.

How has your improv training helped your non-improv life?

I've noticed myself being able to make connections between things in everyday life a lot quicker. Not really productive connections that help me work more efficiently but comical ones that distract and entertain my colleagues. Improv has also a great outlet to de-stress and just be a little silly.

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