Interested in workshops? Term 2 2025 starts the week of March 10
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Performer Bio

Jimmy Cox

Jimmy Cox

Jimmy has been performing/masking his whole life. He first got a taste at age three when he introduced himself to his parents as Cowboy Joe, the man who had killed their son. 

 Jimmy enrolled in his first improv class at TIC after moving to Melbourne from Perth in 2022 and now he can’t stop. 

You can catch Jimmy performing in the Harold team Full Tilt, as part of the cast of Fuck This I Quit, or as one half of improv duo Proud Dad.

Our community watering hole

Enjoy some good times downstairs at Theory Bar

Fancy a beverage after your next show or class session? Our ground floor bar is open Wednesday–Sunday.

Community members and ticket-holders get 10% off*

(* Sundays and Public Holidays excepted)

Please note: drinks can not be transferred between venues in the building

Theory Bar