Interested in workshops? Term 2 2025 starts the week of March 10
More Info

Now that you've been introduced to improv and have actually performed in front of a live audience, it's time for a new challenge!

Our Starter 2 course focuses on two very important aspects of long form improvisation: character relationship

Character is all about what we can bring to the scene. The most interesting characters might have an affected voice, physicalities, turns of phrase, points of view, emotions, etc. We aim to play deep, rich characters within our scene work. 

Relationship is all about how your character gets on with that of your scene partner. What's the shared history between these two people? Their empathetic connection? The subtext that lies just beneath the surface of the words which are being said?

In addition to the titular focus of the level are the following:

Playing Truthful: Even when we are playing characters that are not ourselves, we need to commit to the truth of that character and the relationship they are in. This requires a willingness to be vulnerable and respond honestly and truthfully through character and relationship filters.

Status: Different relationships have inherent statuses built in. This level explores what that means for how we play. 

Base Reality: Establishing a clear base reality at the beginning of each scene, is an essential foundation to build our comedy on top of. A good base reality requires patience and the ability to hold back on oddities and ‘unusual’ things until a firm platform has been co-discovered with your scene partner via ‘yes, and…’

Course Prerequisites
Please to determine eligibility
Course Duration
8 Sessions Per Term
Graduation Performance(s)
1 Per Term
Free Theatre Tickets


  • 4 student tickets to shows
  • 2 student jam passes
Pass / Repeat Evaluations
You will be evaluated by your instructor – based on your attendance and mastery of the course content
Course Fees

$575 Full / $525 Concession

Upcoming Sessions

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Sorry about that, we'll hopefully have more listed soon. For the time being you can:


What students are saying about this course level

"At the end of Level 2, I could feel myself and the rest if my class becoming more limber and responsive, listening to each other much more actively. If you're not sure if you want to keep going after Level 1, just do it; you won't regret it."

Will M.
Starter 2: Character & Relationship Student

"Level 2 was a challenging but extremely rewarding course. My teachers were extremely supportive throughout and I learnt so much that will help when moving forward."

Hannah L.
Starter 2: Character & Relationship Student

"Level 2 is a highlight of the curriculum in that you are starting to delve into the mechanics of long form improv and building a strong foundation for awesome scenes."

Sadie Z.
Starter 2: Character & Relationship Student

Our community watering hole

Enjoy some good times downstairs at Theory Bar

Fancy a beverage after your next show or class session? Our ground floor bar is open Wednesday–Sunday.

Community members and ticket-holders get 10% off*

(* Sundays and Public Holidays excepted)

Please note: drinks can not be transferred between venues in the building

Theory Bar